15 Nov 2022 IRSN welcomes young researchers and engineers from ETSON members to Cherbourg for their Summer Workshop Newspicture IRSN welcomes young researchers and engineers from ETSON members to Cherbourg for their Summer Workshop

As part of the Junior Staff Programme (JSP) of the European Nuclear Safety Organizations Network (ETSON), IRSN welcomed more than twenty participants to Cherbourg on the general theme of the release of radioactive material - sea and atmosphere - and radioactive waste.

15 Nov 2022 First ETSON Conference in Munich meets with positive response Newspicture First ETSON Conference in Munich meets with positive response

Around 60 ETSON members met in Munich from 11 to 13 October 2022 for the first ETSON Conference. Representatives of the 14 European Technical Safety Organisations (TSOs) and Japan were present. Despite the current war, Ukraine was able to show its presence online and was represented with a virtual keynote speech to kick off the event. In addition to the member organisations of the ETSON network, experts from the European Commission (EC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also attended the conference. The event replaced the IAEA TSO Conference that was originally scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg.

30 Apr 2022 Ongoing Hydrogen projects under the ETSON auspices NP Ongoing Hydrogen projects under the ETSON auspices

The Fukushima events have highlighted the need for improved safety approaches and numerical tools to assess hydrogen risk. In this regard and under the auspices of ETSON, two main projects are underway. The first is to organize benchmarks for hydrogen combustion codes and the second is to develop Technical Safety Assessment Guidelines (TSAG) for hydrogen risk assessment expected to be completed by the end of 2022. 

15 Mar 2022 Ukrainian NPPs newspicture ETSON Members on the situation in Ukrainian NPPs

Concerning the situation in the Ukraine, some members of ETSON have published notes and reports.

15 Mar 2022 Statement newspicture Statement of the ETSON President on the current situation in Ukraine

During the last weeks, I have observed the status of nuclear safety in Ukraine with regard to the Russian Federation’s continued attacks against Ukraine with great concern. I specifically reviewed the nuclear safety implications of the attacks against nuclear installations in Ukraine, which I strongly condemn. 

22 Dec 2021 ETSON Award 2021 Newspicture The ETSON Awards 2021

First prize to an UNIBO-ENEA-IRSN team for safety studies of SMR severe accidents, second prize to a PSI team for the use of the surgical mask as an emergency dosimeter, at the EUROSAFE Forum in Paris-Montrouge.

08 Dec 2021 Newspicture Article 1 - 2111 The 17th edition of EUROSAFE, organized by IRSN with its ETSON partners in Paris at the "Beffroi of Montrouge» on November 22-23, 2021

Despite the sanitary and travels restrictions, 220 participants from 20 countries attended this European conference for the nuclear and radioprotection community. The symposium "After the Fukushima Daiichi accident: adapting to the unexpected" was organized by IRSN following the EUROSAFE Forum.

28 Sep 2021 ETSON and IAEA signing newspicture ETSON and IAEA cooperate to strengthen capabilities of Technical and Scientific Support Organisations worldwide

On the occasion of the 65th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), representatives of the IAEA and the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON) agreed to continue their close cooperation. In line with the Practical Arrangements signed on September 21, ETSON commits itself to further develop a tool allowing for the self-assessment of Technical and Scientific Support Organisations (TSO) and to support the organization of the upcoming IAEA International TSO Conference.

22 Jul 2021 Improving Modeling Accuracy and Interpretation Skills Within ETSON EP&R Community newspicture Improving Modeling Accuracy and Interpretation Skills Within ETSON EP&R Community

The consequences of the radiological and nuclear emergencies may vary from an overexposure of a single person to a transboundary catastrophe with multiple victims and massive radiation contamination. In light of the effort and resources potentially involved in the mitigation, assessment of the radiological consequences during an emergency is a vital stage in the planning and response.

09 Mar 2021 Collection of weblinks to content of ETSON members regarding the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima accident news picture Collection of weblinks to content of ETSON members regarding the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima accident

The  Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident having its 10th anniversary, here is a compilation of content published by the members of ETSON on this occasion.