26 Apr 2021 Low Radon Cleanroom for Surface and Underground Laboratories newspicture Low Radon Cleanroom for Surface and Underground Laboratories

Low radon cleanroom for surface or underground laboratories is a new technology able to achieve at the same time very low aerosol concentrations in terms of ISO standard (ISO 1999) and very low radon concentration levels of 10-100 mBq·m-3  (reduce radon concentration in comparison to outdoor by a factor 1000).

26 Apr 2021 Autonomous station for measurements of artificial gamma activity in surface water bodies newspicture Autonomous station for measurements of artificial gamma activity in surface water bodies

In the field of emergency preparedness we can see a general trend to maximize utilization of continuous measurements performed by automatic and autonomous devices. National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) in collaboration with NUVIA introduced an automatic “stand-alone” system for continuous monitoring of artificial gamma radioactivity in surface water bodies.

26 Apr 2021 RAMESIS - support of Citizen Monitoring Network in the Czech Republic newspicture RAMESIS - support of Citizen Monitoring Network in the Czech Republic

Support of Citizen Monitoring in Czechia has been performed for almost ten years based on the results of RAMESIS research project  “Radiation Monitoring network for institutions and schools to ensure early awareness and enhance safety of citizens”.


16 Nov 2020 Transfer of TSO function from Research Centre Rez to National Radiation Protection Institute newspicture Transfer of TSO function from Research Centre Rez to National Radiation Protection Institute

In December 2020, the 4-year period of building the Nuclear Safety Department at the National of Radiation Protection Institute Safety (SURO, v.v.i) will be closed and thus the transfer of the TSO function from Research Centre Rez to SURO will be completed. The whole process was based on the document “SUJB Support Section (TSO) for the field of nuclear safety in SURO, v.v.i. - Strategy 2017-2020 “.

16 Nov 2020 Award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for extraordinary results in the field of security research for 2020 newspicture Award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for extraordinary results in the field of security research for 2020

The award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for extraordinary results in the field of security research was won by a research team composed of representatives of the Research Center Rez and the Czech Technical University in Prague.