08 Dec 2021 Newspicture Article 2 - 2111 Segmented mandrel ductility tests of hydrogenated fuel cladding tubes to simulate PCMI

The mechanical interaction between the nuclear fuel pellets and the cladding tubes (PCMI) is very important for safety studies as this phenomenon could lead to fuel failure and release of radioactivity. During a  power increase in a nuclear power plant the fuel pellets interact with the cladding due to its thermal expansion. Similarly, it is important to investigate the long-term behaviour of irradiated claddings exposed to corrosion and hydrogen uptake in normal operation and in an interim dry storage facility.

22 Jun 2021 EK-CER is a Collaborating Centre of the IAEA in Nuclear Forensics newspicture EK-CER is a Collaborating Centre of the IAEA in Nuclear Forensics

Centre for Energy Research (EK) in Budapest, Hungary was designated as the first Collaborating Centre in Nuclear Forensics of the IAEA in 2016 which was prolonged this year till 2025. The Centre provides laboratory, research and training capacity, expertise, and mentoring opportunities together with scientific collaborations in the field of nuclear security.

16 Dec 2020 The radiation and environmental protection system of the Paks NPP is to be upgraded in order to improve its resistance to earthquakes and station blackout newspicture The radiation and environmental protection system of the Paks NPP is to be upgraded in order to improve its resistance to earthquakes and station blackout

The stress-test performed after the events of Fukushima revealed the vulnerability of the environmental protection system of Paks NPP to earthquakes and station blackout. Project has been launched to improve the resistance of the system.