After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident: dealing with the unpredictable

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Following the Eurosafe 2021 Forum (November 22 & 23, 2021), the conference "AFTER THE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR ACCIDENT: DEALING WITH THE UNPREDICTABLE" will be held on the Wednesday, November 24, 2021 in Paris (Beffroi de Montrouge) organized by IRSN.

About the event

The 9 magnitude earthquake on 11 march 2011 caused a huge tsunami coastal flooding. It led to the core melt of three reactors from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and to the loss of cooling of different spent fuel storage pools. High radioactive releases in the environment occurred, causing 160 000 people living in the Fukushima Prefecture to be evacuated and a long-term contamination in the area around the plant.

10 years after the disaster, IRSN invites the participants of this workshop to discuss the results of different research projects in the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities. These projects aimed at understanding and drawing lessons from this major accident. They were conducted by IRSN in the framework of the AGORAS Project cofounded by the French Nuclear safety and radiation protection research program.

These research projects highlight the question of developing the nuclear safety organizations capability to tackle the unpredictable during the crisis management and at the time of the design of the plants.

A detailed program of the event is available here.


This conference is a free event.

All sessions will be in French with a possibility of translation in English.

You can register now!

For more information

